to 1998 - 1999 - 2000
- 2001 - 2002
- 2003
- 2004 -
2005 -
Comparative Evaluation of the Cultural, Political, and Financial Situation
of Three German Cities: Berlin - Frankfurt/Oder - Freiburg i. Br. - March
13th - March 23rd 2003:
group of 8 Claremont German students spent 10 days in Germany to analyze
the similarities and differences of three very unique German cities: The
German capital Berlin (and sister city of Los Angeles), Frankfurt/Oder
and Freiburg i. Br. They conducted interviews, attended talks and lectures,
visited museums, attended performances and engaged in informal conversations.
The results of the projects were documented through writing, taping and
photography, and then presented to the Claremont Colleges in a public setting.
They were supported by the Pomona College, Scripps College and with a matching
grant from the Los Angeles-Berlin Sister City Committee. Roswitha Burwick,
Scripps College.
Anne Kerry Ford, Vocalist
John Boswell, Pianist
Berlin to Hollywood" - May 2003
May 18, 2003, the Los Angeles-Berlin Sister City Committee celebrated the
cordial relations between Los Angeles and Berlin with a musical journey
“From Berlin to Hollywood.” A diverse group, among them the German Consul
General Dr. Hans- Jürgen Wendler, the Spanish Consul General Jose
Luis Dicenta and the German Deputy Consul General Josef Beck, as well as
many supporters of music and the arts attended this special event. The
guests enjoyed cabaret music with songs from the 30’s and 40’s by the likes
of Kurt Weill and Irving Berlin sung and narrated by Broadway singer Anne
Kerry Ford accompanied by John Boswell, piano. >>read
General Membership Meeting 2003" at the Goethe Institut - June 2003
On June
16, 2003, the Annual General Membership Meeting of the Los Angeles-Berlin
Sister City Committee was held at the Goethe Institut Los Angeles. After
the luncheon, important topics and past, present and upcoming projects
and events were discussed. Following the open discussion, a video film
of Max Raabe and the Palace Orchestra from Berlin, who performed on November
11, 2002, at Royce Hall, UCLA, was shown. The concert took place on the
occasion of the 35th Anniversary of the sister city partnership between
Los Angeles and Berlin. The meeting ended at 2:30 p.m.
Abroad Program - June to July 2003
students from Long Beach City College participated in a Study Abroad Program
in Berlin where they enrolled in German language und culture courses at
Did-Deutsch Institute in Berlin-Mitte. The Los Angeles-Berlin Sister City
Committee assisted the group in making contacts in Berlin and, through
Thomas MacPfeiffer, chair of Chance 2001, and his team they were able to
meet and have an exchange with Berliners from all walks of life. Chance
2001 arranged for them to enjoy a fabulous sunrise breakfast, a summer
festival, a guided boat tour on the Spree river and a Fourth of July party
on American Army terrain to celebrate their national holiday in the company
of American and German nationals. The program was a huge success. So far,
two students have gone back to stay one year in Germany.
Angeles-Berlin Sister City Committee Celebrates the Holiday Season" Private
Residence - December 2003
was beginning to look a lot like Christmas at the home of Rosemarie Reisch.
On December 6, 2003, she invited the members and friends of the Los Angeles-Berlin
Sister City Committee to celebrate the holiday season together. Walking
through the lights in the garden and upon entering the festively decorated
house with the beautiful Christmas tree and the many tables decorated with
orchids and spruce, the guests began to feel the magic and the spirit of
Christmas instantly. >>read more
Classrooms for Afghanistan" - December 2003
order to rebuild Afghanistan’s educational system, German Broadcasting
Company “Deutsche Welle” (DW) and its partner “Cap Anamur”, an experienced
aid organization, are collecting donations from all over the world to help
fund 100 classrooms in Afghanistan. >>read